Number Systems conversions in C++
//Number Systems conversions in C++ (REST PART WILL BE UPDATED SOON) #include <iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; int convertB2D(long long int); int convertD2O(int); int convertD2H(int); long long int convertD2B(int); int convertO2D(int); int main() { int o; cout << "Hello Sir Welcome!" << endl; cout<<endl<<"Press 1 to convert Binary to decimal"<<endl; cout<<endl<<"Press 2 to convert Binary to octal"<<endl; // cout<<endl<<"Press 3 to convert Binary to hexadecimal"<<endl; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<endl<<"Press 4 to convert decimal to binary"<<endl; cout<<endl<<"Press 5 to convert decimal to octal"<<endl; // cout<<endl<<"Press 6 to convert decimal to hexadecimal"<<endl; cout<<endl<<e...